Digit Ltd was originally set up in 2003. It was initially conceived as a vehicle for a future investment trust that would have invested funds in portfolios built up around various measures of design performance. This was an outgrowth of some earlier work commissioned by the Design Council. Although the fund itself did not proceed, the ideas and thinking behind it did. Several years later, Digit Ltd is now ready to provide solutions to linking specific economic, demographic, financial and other information into analysis and data. This combination helps provide bespoke solutions to complex management, economic and financial issues.

The company draws on extensive experience in the fields of share and stakeholder value anlaysis. It also has detailed industry knowledge of the following sectors:

  • Defence, defence procurement, defence policy issues

  • Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG): demographic, economic, income and consumer trends; demand forecasting; data integration and analysis, channel to market developments

  • Oil & Gas, up and downstream; reserves, supply and demand balances; investment and growth strategies

  • Automotive: product and industrial strategy, distribution and channels to market development

  • Banking and insurance; valuations & strategy

Digit Ltd has deep experience of company valuations, corporate finance, risk and compliance analysis, and associated issues around corporate governance

Dr. Andrew Black, the Managing Director, was instrumental in setting up the company. He draws on previous experience in management consulting, economics, and financial analysis. This has been gathered at institutions such as PwC, Charles River Associates, various banks, corporations and government ministries

At PW/PwC he was engaged in many consulting engagements with many of the world's leading blue chip companies analyzing and implementing Value Based Management projects. Much of the approach has been described in more detail in a best selling book "In Search of Shareholder Value" published in 9 different languages and in several editions. This was followed by a second book “Questions of Value” dealing with practical issues related to valuation and strategy.


Consultant Team

Digit Ltd draws on the experience of a number of management consultants and analysts.



Our clients are mainly blue chip companies, national and international government agencies, and financial service institutions.